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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

The Day of Memory and Welcome for Integration, Inclusion, Human Rights values: in Lampedusa, Sant’Anna School professors from the Dirpolis (Law, Politics and Development) Institute lecture teachers from all over Europe

Publication date: 24.09.2019
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On October 2, Emanuele Rossi, professor of Constitutional Law and researchers Francesca Biondi Dal Monte and Luca Gori from Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute, will lecture teachers coming from all over Europe to envision our European future of solidarity and human rights education in schools.

As part of the campaign to make the 3rd of October the European Day of Memory and Welcome, the initiative in Lampedusa will show how organisations and institutions - the Ministry of University and Research, the Comitato 3 Ottobre, Rai (Italian Public Broadcasting Company), Unhcr, Anvcg, Compagnia di San Paolo, Save the Children, Amnesty International, Medici senza Frontiere, IOM, Ordine di Malta Corpo Italiano di Soccorso, Centro Astalli, Cospe, and Generazione Ponte, promote the inclusion and implement coherent migration policies. The Day of Memory and Welcome 2019 event is sending a “We are in the same boat” powerful message to young people to ‘keep humanity and solidarity at the core of institutions while promoting responsibility sharing across Europe’. In addition to the lectures, various initiatives are being planned to make citizens aware of migration issues, anti-discrimination, HR education and third sector engagement.

“As part of Sant’Anna School, the Dirpolis Institute operates within our academic institution that is placed within the top 200 of all global universities. We are proud of our ability to provide solid learning experience at the Day of Memory and Welcome” – said Francesca Biondi Dal Monte, speaking on behalf of the team in Lampedusa. “We aim to empower teachers to become professionals for multi-cultural and diverse society. Together with the Comitato 3 Ottobre launching this initiative, we want to call on national and EU teachers to implement inclusion policies, remove barriers, discrimination and intolerance. By bringing new tools and effective solutions, we call for solidarity, inclusive education and intercultural dialogue”.

In 2016 the Italian Senate established by law that the date of October 3rd would be the Italian Day of Memory and Welcome, to be celebrated every year to remember and commemorate all the victims of immigration and to promote awareness and solidarity initiatives.
In 2016, 5,096 people lost their lives in a desperate attempt to cross the Mediterranean heading to Europe.